Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Freedom of speech

I debated about removing the post regarding the alligator capture because it has upset a couple of people. I thought about it for about 5 minutes and then decided I will not remove the post or any of the pictures.

I am not an animal lover as many people know. I did not call the Alligator ranglers but I am also not upset that they came and got the big guy. I'm sorry that he will be destroyed instead of set free in the wild. It is not my decision and I have no control over what happened. I also am not loosing sleep over it.

As I have said many times, if you do not like something that I say or post, do not read it or do not come back here again. It is all about freedom of choice and freedom of speech.

I post to amuse myself and anyone that wants to read what I have to say. I post to let people know what is going on so that I do not have to write numerous emails or make numerous phone calls. One of my favorite blogs is written by a woman that probably irritates alot of people. She is very rough and says what she thinks, including the use of a four letter word that may or may not belong in a public forum. I do not agree with some things that she says and beliefs that she has. I read her because she has a way with words that I enjoy. If she says something that pisses me off, I don't write her and tell her off. It is her opinion and she has a right to say (write) it.

In case you don't remember-that is one of our rights that our men and women have died for..and continue to risk their lives to protect...the Freedom of Speech.

If I have offended you, I'm sorry. I can't control how you feel or what you think about me. I have a right to post/say what I want. I will continue to do so. You have the right to do the same on your own blogs or in your own lives. Let's just agree to disagree.

Til later...................


just-jessie said...

Did you offend someone??? You know I'm all for freedom of speech (and although I consider myself an animal lover, I have no problems with gators in neighborhoods being hauled off. There's a whole other debate about builders going into communities and infringing on the territory of the wildlife that resides there...I figure we have no control over that, so once we're there it's us vs. them and that gator would've won, IMO. Eek...

Jennifer said...

First off, I have to say you shouldn't apologize if you think you've offended anyone. It is a public forum and they can take it however they want to. On my Myspace Blog, I sort of have a disclaimer stating: This is my part of the universe to speak freely, if you don't like it, don't read it! Lord KNOWS I offend people a lot of the time with what I write. (That is why half of Josh's family does not speak with us anymore) Anywho, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Can't please everyone.

Michele L from Tampa said...

Ditto what Jenna said. I am sure I am probably one of the ones that offended you, but you have the right to post your opionion - and I have my right to my reply to my opionion. I am sure I piss off some people too - butt I do not care! Just like Donna Downey posting that damn pix about the dead rabbits. I love rabbit but I do not want to see them hanging like that - I love England, but do not want to see that pix

Anonymous said...

Personally I thought the pictures were pretty cool. I am a total animal lover, but Cheryl you know my cousins experience with a gator, and I am glad that nobody in your neighborhood is threatened by your gator any longer. Gator/people. Not a hard choice to make!

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