Friday, October 19, 2007

Funky Friday

and I don't mean in a good way. By now even the non-fan knows that USF lost last night. A moment.....................

It's all my fault. I was working on a scrapbook for my DD instead of sitting glued to my couch. I could see the game from my craft table but my focus was divided. I'm so sorry. You can blame the sorority sisters of KD. The scrapbook is for my DD's "Little Sister". Yes, I know I'm a good mom for making it but it effected my ability to give the boys my full attention.

Got my flu shot this morning. The university gives free shots every October and since it is done in the building right across the parking lot from the office, how can I turn down free medical care? Apparently some of us can. There are a few chickens that refuse to go get the shot. When they get sick will it be rude to say, "Told ya so!!"..??

I don't want to get back on my rant from yesterday (thanks LisaD & Trudie for being my sista's in rant) but....

Why do people tell you what happened on a TV show even after you have told them you didn't see it yet cause you were watching the game? Why must they tell you details that they say won't matter, but it's an important fact, and I DON'T WANT TO KNOW BEFORE I WATCH FOR MYSELF!! It's bad enough that the Yahoo home page already spoiled the entire season for me by telling stuff...but did I tell the big mouth what I know?? NO, cause that would be RUDE!!!

Man, you sure you're not PMSing? Yep..positive unless it's coming After the fact now instead of before. Ok, that was TMI. Sorry faithful readers.

Big weekend. Birthday party for my friends daughter tomorrow. Dragging my DS to the Holocaust Museum on Sunday. Bucs football..NASCAR. Oh my. What you doing??? (say that in your best "Joey" voice and it's much funnier).

I almost forgot to make a request. Another person in our team at work is having medical issues. She is such a private person that she didn't tell anyone what is happening. I drive the woman to her car every afternoon and she didn't say a word to me. We don't have details but when the word Moffitt and prayer request are mentioned, it's scary. Please raise up "Jackie" in your prayers or send good vibes her way. She needs it and we need her.

Til later.....................................


Anonymous said...

And a happy Friday to you too!
Can't wait for this weekend and to just relax too.
....always better to scrapbook than to watch football so you're ok with me!
Promise never to tell you "how it ends", except maybe "the butler did it!" Ha!

Beryl said...

And a happy Friday to you too!
Can't wait for this weekend and to just relax too.
....always better to scrapbook than to watch football so you're ok with me!
Promise never to tell you "how it ends", except maybe "the butler did it!" Ha!

Jennifer said...

Can I PLEASE, PLEASE, PUUUHLEASE GO with you on SUNDAY? I have been wanting to go to the Holocaust Museum for YEARS & YEARS!!!!!!!!! I hope that Mike walks away with a deep understanding. History is my passion but that era, is BIG for me.

Ok, I need a flu shot but no one gives them out free here. Boo!