Thursday, December 21, 2006

Last day of school

for my DS. He was so disappointed last week when he found out Pasco Co. didn't get out for the holidays until the 22nd. Knowing that he didn't have to go back til 1/8 didn't make him feel better. A couple days ago he informed me that he was having a party in his 4th period class. If you knew my son you would know how much of a miracle that is........he usually doesn't tell me anything until AFTER the event...usually weeks after. I asked if he needed to bring anything and he didn't know. He went to school under threat of going to bed at 7pm to find out. He came home yesterday and announced as he came in the door, " My teacher said NOT to bring cupcakes and that I didn't have to bring anything unless I wanted to". Well, I can't send the kid to school without anything so I made 30 treat bags last night. I had him put the peppermints into the baggie and threatened him again if me whined about having to help. It took 3 hours but I got them all cut out & put together. I just hope he doesn't have more than 30 kids in his class.
He said he wasn't sure but it was between 20-30. Thanks....that's helpful!
I took him to school this morning so he didn't have to drag the big bag full of treat bags plus the six teachers gifts. I made him take the stuff around to his classrooms so he didn't stick them into his bookbag and forget to pass them out. He is probably muttering about me under his breath but at least I feel good about my efforts.
Speaking of tooting my own horn, I even put a gift for the mail carrier in the mail box this morning. I know some people give there paper boy & trash men gifts. Well, they don't bring me scrapbook magazines and boxes from craft sites so i didn't feel obligated. We just started getting the paper so I've never met my paper boy (man) garbage men's company has dumped us so NO GIFTS for them!!!! I sure hope the regular mail carrier brings the mail today and a sub doesn't snag her gift.
OK, I have avoided most of my work this week and really should accomplish something today and tomorrow. I haven't really worried about it since all the stuff I have to do (make medical charts) will then go on the desk of all the people that are already off for the holidays. Those of us that are not "career" employees do not get paid days off so I'm here everyday the office is open......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Till next time.....................

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I am sure that Mike liked bringing something; even though he wont'tell you so! Man, I'm dreading those days and I know its coming sooner then I would like to think.

You are very sweet leaving something for the Mail carrier. I should my UPS Man. If I'm not home, he brings my stuff to my work! How awesome is that! Advantages of a small, small town.
