Friday, December 15, 2006

In the blink of an eye

Good grief what an exciting morning I've had. I spent way to long at home trying to jazz up my blog so I was very late leaving for work. I take a LONG, semi-country, road to get to civalization and then it's another 4-5 miles to my office. I'm traveling down the country road and notice what looks like a dumpster sitting by the side of the road with smoke pouring out of it. Since there is a new house being built nearby I figured it was theirs. As I got closer the cars in front of me were slowing down and then came to a stop. Since I was already late I got irritated at the "rubber neckers" looking at the "smoking dumpster". I finally realized that what I was actually seeing was a truck that had left the road and taken out a power pole. The truck cab was wrapped partly around the bottom half of the power pole....the hood was on the ground and smoke was pouring out of the engine. The rest of the power pole was still attached to the wires and sparks were starting to pop.
I had been talking to my sister so I told her I needed to hang up & call 911. I did and they verified help was already on the way. The 911 operator wanted me to tell the people that were starting towards the cab to not touch it or let the driver touch anything because of the wires. I yelled to the guys that were trying to communicate with the driver but in typical men fashion..waved at me in a dismissive manner. About then, another person started directing traffic around the cars stopped in the road so I had to move.
I must confess I grabbed the camera I had in the car and snapped a couple pictures. I'm not sure if they will turn out and the camera is the old fashion..must get film developed ... so it may be a few days before I can post them.
A few minutes after getting past the accident I passed the first fire truck responding to the scene. Hopefully the truck driver is OK. I called my HSS & asked him to watch for news about it so I'll let you all know if I find anything out. In the mean time, pray (if you believe) for the driver that he is OK.

Wow.....I REALLY don't feel like working after that!

You all be really careful, everything can change in the Blink of an Eye.

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