Friday I left work early and headed over to Scrapbooking In Paradise for a FREE Crop. The Owners, John & Laura had planned a fun evening as a thank you for their customers. The crop was free, dinner was free, goodie bags were great and they did give aways all night. They even had tons of prizes for BINGO but since I wasn't doing Layouts or cards, I couldn't win (no worries, John gave me a consulation prize cause he felt sorry for me)
One big surprise was the special guests. Stacey Panassidi from Junkitz, Stephanie Barnard from Inque Boutique and also Susan Stringfellow from Inque Boutique. The Inque Boutique gang gave us free stamp set..well John gave us stamps sets so not sure who they actually came from but they were IB stamps. They stayed and ate dinner with us and walked around an checked out what we were doing. They all ooooooooo & awwwwwwwwwwwed over what I was working on but I can't show you cause they are gifts. OH, I did get SP to sign my Junk Bag under my Tim Holtz signature. She actually signed her & her adorable DH's names. He was there too and was so sweet. We talked about her Tatoo and he showed me the one he got since she got hers. It was his College Mascot...looked like a turtle with an M on it but I think he said it was a "Badger"???
In addition to the other give aways they had a contest to find a big green bow hidden somewhere in the store. Who ever found it got to keep what it was attached to...check it out.....

Yep, I found it. WAHOOO. $100 value from EK full of Cutterbee products.
A little while later they had us all gather in the middle of the store and the REALLY special guest arrived.

It was hysterical. Check out their website/blog for a video of Elvis.
Next Elvis gave away more prizes. The second prize went to the person that could tell him "What Day & year did I die?"---Elvis-not me....anyway, I shouted out the correct answer and won another prize. They were holding up the same exact item I'd already won and even though I said I'd take another one....would have made a great gift....they said they would give me something different. I got a 262 stamp set from IB....$43 value.
I've paid up to $65 for a day crop and not had as much fun or won as much as I did Friday night. Guess it was just my turn.
Saturday I had to be up early to pick up the boy from his Library "Lock IN". He had a blast and came home and promptly fell asleep for 8 hours. LOL. I used the time to do some last minute shopping and started clearing the dining room so we could put up the tree.
Sunday I finished clearing the dining room (it took ALL DAY) and even got it put into the scrap room...ORGANIZED..and you can walk into the room and even work at one of the desks. I needed to get Christmas cards and packages in the mail today so we had DS put together the "6 ft" artificial tree. It was a chore but he stuck with it and got it done without any tears. By then it was to late to decorate so DH will be putting the lights on today while I'm at work and tonight we will try & get it decorated. Good thing we keep our decorations up until Epiphany. there you have weekend. Now I have a question for you:
When did Elvis die? Post here with exact Date..Month, day, year and lets see if you would have won the stamp set. I'm not saying I'll give you the stamp set if you're right. I'm just wondering if I'm a big geek or if anyone else knows. NO FAIR CHEATING. Don't look it up. I want to know if you remember...from personal memories.
Til later..........................
gaelic2Wow, that brings back memories--August 16, 1977, standing at the kitchen sink in Mannheim, Germany, listening to the radio...they broke in with an announcement that Elvis had died. :-( Sad day.
Congrats on all your goodies you won. :-)
Merry Christmas to you & my brother and the kids!
you have a easy time remembering since it is just before your birthday Loretta already said when and is correct :)
Mom could not explain what exactly you won - but it is the pink cutterbee one - hey I need a new cutter lol
August 16, 1977 why I remember it just like yesterday....
I'll say August 16th, but not sure of the year, but know it was before I was born! LOL I only remember b/c it was my mom's anniversary.
I was 2 when Elvis died in '77, so I don't remember what I was doing that exact day. Sadly tho, every year till my mom died in 2003 you'd think that we were related to Elvis. She would cry all day on the 16th of August and 8th of January. I've even been dragged to Graceland during a family vacation when I was 11.
WTG on all the goodies. Glad you had a great time!!
wow! you scored the big one cheryl! sorry i had to miss it, man that husband having to work:) he he. glad to hear you got so many goodies!
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