Saturday, April 25, 2009

What I would have said if I'd posted this past week

Let's pretend that you came here each day since last Friday and this is what you read:


Took the boy to meet up with my niece, sister and mom as they drove north to take her half way back to Georgia. Her friend was nice enough to volunteer to meet them someplace near Gainsville since my Sister is still feeling crappy. It makes me sad to know that my boy really doesn't remember Jenna. He only gets to see her once in a blue moon. Look how much TALLER the boy is than Jenna since she is shorter than me. So funny! She tried to tell him about holding him as a newborn and how much dark hair he had. He just looked at her like she was an alien.


The boy wasn't happy but we had to move things in the garage so the AC guy could finally get to the unit to check it and clean it out for the season. Thankfully we didn't have to move as much stuff as I thought we were going to have to. It ended up only taking a couple hours instead of all day. While we were moving things, I looked out at the pond and saw a smallish alligator swimming towards us from the opposite bank. Looked to be only about 5 feet long. After we finished with the rearrange I carefully walked out to the pond to see if the gator was sunning her/himself. I didn't see that gator but out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I looked over and saw this:

(When I thought I'd get my post on the day I saw this I was going to title it....

Cuter by the Dozen?)

Yep. As I watched, 10 more little gators popped up and started swimming towards the other bank.

YIKES. 12 babies. That we can see. How many more we didn't see? What happens when they grow up? Where are the babies from LAST YEAR?


I have no words for how I feel today. I started to go to work, even left the house and got almost a mile away when I read the headline about what day it was..a 10 year anniversary of a horrific event and the 14th anniversary of an equally horrific event. I tried to keep driving but my stomach revolted and an over whelming feeling came over me. I tried to ignore the feelings but then Oprah's voice came into my head about listening to the small voice...I made a u-turn and went home. I didn't explain why I came home. I told my DH I decided I needed a personal day.

I ended up taking the Boy to school and then decided to drive to Kmart and try and take advantage of the Double coupon week. Here is a picture of what I got:

My total before coupons was $216

OOP after coupons $31.55

Taxes included in OOP $6

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you spend three hours in a store!

Retail therapy without blowing the bank.


American Idol. Disco week. I lived through the original Disco. Kind of. Didn't really love it then so was not looking forward to hearing kids, that were 10+ years away from being born during the disco era, sing the songs of that time. Some of them did a good job. Loved the "Santana" style disco song that Chris sang. REALLY hated some of the others. Discovered that Adam IS human when he left a couple words(letters) off during his song. We replayed it to be sure. Still, he can sing no matter what the theme. Was waiting for Lil or her momma to "come across the table" when Simon started his dissing of her song. She truthfully wasn't good. I'm not sure why but she just never got it....


Lil & Anoop are history. Predict that Matt will cruise next week to the bottom of the pile. Not sure what the theme is so will be interested to see what Adam does. Always interesting.


Day before Friday!


Hit up Kmart again during lunch. Scored .24 Graham Cracker crusts (found .30 coupons today-darn!!) Got some Kraft Parm. Shaker cheese for $1.25. Sweet!

Tried to go to the local store while the boy was at Karate but it is near impossible to work deals in under an hour, especially when the cashier looks at the Internet coupon you took time to print and says, We don' take IP's. Yes you do, it says so on your own RECEIPTS. Then she says well we can't take that one because it says Available at Walmart.

Yes, it says that is a coupon printed from and it says so right on the coupon.

She calls over the manager who repeats the same misinformation about the Internet coupons and then says I can't use the WALMART coupon.


At that point the store was closing and the boys class was ending in 10 minutes. I asked the cashier to put all my items into a bag/box and let me come back in the morning. I gave them my name and phone number and left.

When I got home I went back onto the Kmart website and printed another copy of the "disputed " coupon and left the paper uncut so I could show them the part on the ENTIRE page....not just on the coupon.


Watched some Oprahs while DH slept and then got up and talked to the boy. He had gotten himself up and had already taken a shower. WOW. His dad was due to pick him up at 10ish. We decided Cinnamon rolls sounded good for breakfast so I headed off to make them while he played his game. He ended up eating FOUR rolls before I could remind him to leave some for his buddy.

After he left for the weekend I got ready and headed back to Kmart, ready to do battle. I got my stuff from the service desk and went back into the store to finish picking up what ever I could find to use my coupons on. When I walked into the store I had taken a look at the cashiers and was very upset to see that the same "biddies" that had given me a hard time on Friday night were the ones working.

Great. This should be fun.

Thankfully when I got ready to check out, the cashier I ended up with was SMART and NICE!! First thing, as I was putting my stuff on the counter, I showed her the "infamous" walmart coupon and she saw right away that it was a coupon. She even told me that they DO take Internet coupons. I blessed her heart and we checked out with little trouble. The only thing that didn't work was the $5 off $50 that the Head cashier wouldn't let her use. She claimed it was for Groceries. I disagreed but decided to let it go. I usually don't "leave $5 on the table" but decided for once to let it go and move on. I ended up getting :

$67.09 worth
$14.44 OOP
($2.20 tax)

Not as good as Monday since they wouldn't let me use the $5 off and I got a couple things that were more than the amount of my coupons and I spent $2.50 on a "file" for either my business or to hold a ton of coupons.

I actually went out to the car and then came back in to get more free Deo, cat treats and candy. That order was:

$25.72....OOP came to .77 of which .77 was tax!

So there you have it. My week in a boring nutshell. I've loaded pictures onto a disc that I can use with my laptop so maybe I can get some Ebay items loaded. I've been super busy managing all the ALL YOU deals that I have working with various blog friends I've partnered with. I'm going to add some buttons to the side showing sites I'm working with. Check them out. They all are really great at making you aware of deals coming at all the stores we frequent.

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

CONGRATS to my dear niece who got a wonderful job offer this week. They called her while she was in AZ and she interviewed when she got back. They offered her the job late this week and we are all thrilled for her. It means full time w/full benefits. Just what the family needs.

By the way, if you want to read a well written, funny, clever blog...check out her blog here. She has been sharing the tales of the AZ adventure and it's almost like you are there.

Til later..............


Jennifer said...

:) You racked up!!! ((Btw, I've been so incredibly SLOW this week! I will, and I promise, send those pics via email very soon.)

Thanks for the blog plug :) I didn't post about Az the last two days, I felt like it was a bit much, if u know what I mean.

Love ya!!!!

Nomad said...

They should extend the season by just one show -- the Judge Elimination Episode. This is when the audience gets to vote on the judges and whoever gets the least number of votes has to go home (i think i know who this would be).

Kip said...

The problem with all that "saving" stuff is, who needs all that stuff?
I sure don't and I guess I'm too picky about what products I'll actually use. You would have made a good Mormon as they keep a year's worth of food in store!