Saturday, May 5, 2007

National Scrapbooking Day

What does that mean to you? An excuse to shop (like we need an excuse). Crop? Scrapping at home? Just another day?

I'm still trying to decide what I'll do today. I need to clean out the garage. Still. I need to get ready for tomorrow. Still. I want to catch up on all the TV I've missed this week. I have over 50 episodes of the DIY scrapbook show on my DVR. YIKES.

I'll try & post some things that I get done today. If I get anything done today. I should get something done tomorrow unless my co-scrappers distract me with their talking & laughing.

While cruising the CK website/message board this morning I ran across a Ebay item that I had to share. Check this out. Any takers?? WOW.

Finally saw the CSI & ER episodes. WOW & WOW/Awwwwwww. CSI is so good. I'm glad to see the relationship with Grissom & Sarah being shown more but what was up with the "miniature" Gill was working on? I'm hoping it was just so he could get into the mind of the killer. Surely HE isn't the killer. The show will end if he is. I refuse to watch any longer. I mean it CBS. Don't you even think about screwing with my show! Er wedding was so sweet. I started getting a bad feeling about half way through the show. I was SCREAMING at Ray when he left the bar to get out of the street. POOP!

Time to check out the other bloggers. Special shout out to my SIL. HI "L"!!!!! She emailed me to wish me a Happy NSD from my MIL. My MIL doesn't own a computer so she had my SIL send me the best wishes. So sweet.

QVC is coming on so gotta run!

OH..almost forgot. I got my pictures yesterday. YEAH. Now if the Carry it all would come I'd be happy. Guess I'll pack like it's not coming.

Til later......................

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