Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday, Monday

Now that I have that silly song in my head...good morning all.

Where to start??

MM IDOL....check the website and VOTE. You know I'm all for CAMI B. but I will give you the freedom to choose (Cami B) who ever (CAMI B) you think should be the winner (CAMI B). It's a free country (CAMI B) and I wouldn't want to influence (CAMI B) anyone to do something they don't (CAMI B) want to do.

Prison Break season finale tonight. ARG!!!!!

24- looks like another good one.

Idol I continue to watch the train wreak this season has become or tune out before my head explodes??

My DS is on Spring Break but at his dads until Wed. I miss the little booger. His birthday is Saturday. What in the heck am I going to do?? What am I going to buy him that won't promote his Video addition? Maybe something related to Karate.

Made 15 Easter cards yesterday. They turned out pretty cute. I need to take pictures before mailing or giving them out. I'll try & add a few here in the next few days.

My next door neighbor is the latest victim of the Golf Ball window smash. No One saw anything so he'll be paying OOP like we did. It's his bathroom window so it's small but frosted. Can't wait to hear how much that costs. We should replace all the windows now with Shatterproof glass and then I wouldn't live in constant fear of the sound of breaking glass. Oh well, some would say that's what we get for living the rich on a golf course. Wish my bank account supported that theory.

I hope everyone has a super week.

Til later............

1 comment:

Loretta said...

Hey SIL! Mama says when a window gets broken by a golfer and no one witnessed it, the homeowner should go straight to the pro shop and report it. They'll know who was golfing at that exact time and perhaps they can find out who did it. Just sayin'.

Love ya!