Monday, January 8, 2007

Mentioned on another blog

I got a shout out from another blogger this weekend. I see it caused a small jump in people checking in here. I'm sure the ones that came over to look thought she was crazy for linking me as I'm no where near the writer she is. It did cause a little envy from two of my co-workers who are addicted to her blog. That was pretty cool. LOL. Glad I'm not full of myself or I'd think I was "ALL THAT".
For the "little people" that read me, thanks and don't worry ....I won't change.....ROTFLMAO!
Thanks Jane for my moment of fame.


Michele L from Tampa said...

Oh please - you are full of yourself! lol HAHA I tagged you! Couldnt resist!

just-jessie said...

Moi, jealous. No way.